Can You Take the Heat? Summer Testing Turf Systems


As the season changes across the United States and Europe, thoughts are turning to hot summer days. The heat in some regions can be a problem for artificial turf fields because as temperatures rise, so does the surface temperature of artificial turf. 


FIFA have a unique test available which classifies turf systems according to an ability to reduce the surface temperature by reflecting radiant heat. Some manufacturers and suppliers make claims that organic or coloured infill systems will be cooler than black SBR infill. Some can (and do) make a difference. This test makes it possible for a direct comparison to be made to index improvements in controlling the surface temperature on your field. Turf systems do not fail this testing regime but are classified using the following table into relative bands from low (perception is low) to high (perception is high).

If you are considering a new field or renovating an old one, be sure to look for a certificate which tells you the category of the turf system designed for your particular environment and geography.

Eric O'Donnell, Founder & Managing Director

With a background of 39 years in testing, primarily as a civil engineer, this graduate of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh has been setting standards for the performance and durability of synthetic sports surfaces since 1988. Eric is a founder and managing director of Sports Labs Ltd., a global force in the assessment, research, and testing of surfaces, and leading innovators in the sports surfaces sector.

During a varied career, Eric has participated in the development of international standards, including the FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf, FIH Handbook of Performance Requirements for Synthetic Turf Pitches, and World Rugby Performance Standard for Synthetic Turf Rugby Surfaces. He also contributes to EN norms and guidance documents and sits on the panel of experts for World Rugby.

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